Banner displaying Yoast SEO premium vs free

If you’re questioning whether to stick with the free plugin or opt for an upgrade, this concise guide examines “Yoast Premium vs Free: Is Yoast Premium Worth It?” to help you decide on elevating your SEO game. Anticipate no fluff, just straightforward comparisons and honest insights as we delve into what each version offers and how they could impact your site’s performance in search rankings.

Key Takeaways

  • Yoast SEO Premium provides advanced features not found in the free version, such as optimising content for up to 5 focus keywords, intelligent internal linking suggestions, robust redirect management, and SEO workouts for improving site structure.
  • The premium plugin includes tools for enhanced keyword optimisation, including the detection of keyword variations and optimisation for synonyms, though its effectiveness for secondary keyword optimisation has limitations.
  • With additional functionalities like the orphaned content tool, stale cornerstone content tool, AI-generated SEO titles and meta descriptions, and integration with other SEO tools, Yoast SEO Premium is aimed at offering a comprehensive and streamlined SEO workflow.

Yoast SEO Premium Features: A Closer Look

Illustration of advanced Yoast SEO features

Yoast SEO Premium isn’t merely an upgraded free Yoast SEO plugin. It offers a suite of exclusive features designed to enhance keyword optimisation, streamline the SEO workflow, and provide a more comprehensive SEO toolkit.

The advanced tools and functionalities of Yoast SEO Premium include content insights, a robust redirect manager, and intelligent internal linking suggestions, among others. These are not available in the free version, making Yoast SEO Premium a more powerful tool for those serious about their website’s search engine optimisation.

Yoast SEO Premium primarily offers enhanced keyword optimisation. It allows content to be optimised for up to 5 focus keywords, potentially increasing search traffic from a variety of keywords. Combined with features like the robust redirect manager, Yoast SEO Premium helps users maintain the SEO value of their site by automatically creating redirects when a page is deleted or moved. This ensures that visitors and search engines are directed to the correct page, thereby preserving the site’s SEO integrity.

Beyond its exclusive features, the Yoast SEO Premium plugin, also known as the yoast seo premium plugin, ensures a more efficient and streamlined SEO workflow. The plugin’s advanced tools enable quick and efficient optimisations, which can be crucial for users looking to save time on their SEO tasks.

From content insights to advanced redirect management, the enhanced functionalities of Yoast SEO Premium can provide users with a more comprehensive SEO toolkit compared to the free version.

Enhanced Keyword Optimisation

Yoast SEO enhanced keyword optimisation tool

Yoast Premium allows you to optimise your content for up to 3 focus keywords per post, a significant upgrade from just 1 in the free version. This enhances your content’s targeting capabilities, potentially attracting a broader range of search queries.

The premium version also includes advanced features like detecting keyword variations, optimising for synonyms, and related terms, thereby aligning with Google’s preference for natural text composition.

However, bear in mind that Yoast Premium’s SEO analysis for multiple focus keywords has its limitations. It may not accurately reflect secondary keyword optimisation because it prioritises exact match over partial match scenarios. Nonetheless, Yoast Premium provides a significant advantage for keyword optimisation, overcoming some of the restrictions posed by the free version.

Advanced Redirect Management

Yoast SEO Premium redirect manager overview

Preserving your site’s SEO value when pages are removed or relocated can prove to be a challenge. This is where Yoast SEO Premium’s Redirect Manager comes in. It helps maintain SEO value by automatically creating redirects, ensuring that visitors and search engines are directed to the correct page. The Redirect Manager supports various types of redirects, including:

  • 301: permanent URL changes
  • 302: temporary URL changes
  • 307: temporary URL changes (HTTP/1.1)
  • 410: content deletion
  • 451: legal unavailability

These different types of redirects cater to different scenarios, allowing you to effectively manage your site’s SEO when making changes.

Moreover, advanced settings within the Redirect Manager allow for complex redirections, like using regex for bulk redirects, and options to manage automatic redirection and URL parameters.

This delivers a smoother user experience with faster loading times. Overall, using Yoast Premium’s redirect features minimises the occurrence of 404-page errors, contributing to improved SEO and keeping site visitors engaged by quickly redirecting them to the appropriate content.

Intelligent Internal Linking

Yoast SEO Premium internal linking feature

Internal linking plays a vital role in SEO strategy. Yoast Premium’s internal linking suggestions feature streamlines the SEO workflow by helping users easily identify potential links within their content. This not only improves search engine crawling and indexing but also enhances visitor navigation.

The strategic use of internal links helps distribute link equity across a website, which can boost the authority and ranking potential of interconnected pages. It also improves the website’s architecture beyond the basic site taxonomy.

Yoast SEO Premium offers various user-friendly features to make adding internal links more efficient. These include a copy/paste icon for easy addition of suggested links, a checkmark for already linked posts, and drag-and-drop functionality.

Internal links can be conveniently managed and inserted directly in the content editor through the use of internal linking blocks and the Yoast sidebar. This caters to different types of content such as posts, pages, tags, or categories.

Effective internal linking leads to enhanced user experiences as visitors can explore related topics more deeply. Yoast SEO Premium offers several features to help with internal linking, including:

  • Prioritisation of cornerstone content in link suggestions
  • Orphaned content filter to identify and interlink posts lacking internal connections
  • SEO workouts to guide users through improving their site’s health by managing cornerstone content and fixing orphaned content

These features are pivotal for SEO and site structure, ensuring critical content remains updated and properly interlinked.

AI Generator For SEO Titles & Meta Descriptions

Demonstration of search appearance AI title and description generator using Yoast SEO Premium

Yoast SEO Premium leverages artificial intelligence (AI) by employing a generative AI-powered feature to optimise SEO titles and meta descriptions. This feature provides multiple SEO title and meta description options based on page content analysis, enabling users to select or customise entries for better representation in search results.

This intelligent feature not only saves time but also ensures that your SEO titles and meta descriptions are always optimised for the best possible performance.

Social Media Previews

Yoast social media preview tool

In the current digital era, maintaining a prominent social media presence is essential. Yoast SEO Premium’s social media preview feature enables users to visualise how their posts will look on Facebook and Twitter directly from the WordPress editor.

This advanced social media integration not only automates content sharing but also optimises posts’ appearance across social platforms, facilitating correct image sizing and formatting.

The benefit? Enhanced user engagement on social media and refined keyword strategy for better SEO.

Integrations With Other SEO Tools

Yoast SEO Premium effortlessly integrates with other SEO tools, resulting in a more unified optimisation experience. It integrates with platforms like Google Analytics and Search Console, allowing for detailed insights into search performance directly from the WordPress dashboard.

Google Search Console integration allows for a streamlined workflow in analysing search results directly from the WordPress dashboard, making it easier to track and improve website performance. These integrations, combined with Yoast Premium’s advanced features, provide users with a comprehensive SEO toolkit, streamlining strategies across platforms.

Orphaned Content Tool

Yoast SEO orphaned content workout results

Orphaned content, which lacks internal links pointing to it, can pose a significant challenge for SEO. Yoast Premium addresses this issue with its orphaned content tool. This tool helps users identify and interlink posts lacking internal connections, which are pivotal for SEO and site structure.

SEO workouts included in Yoast Premium guide users through improving their site’s health by managing cornerstone content and fixing orphaned content, ensuring critical content remains updated and properly interlinked. This tool is a great asset for any website owner or manager looking to improve their site’s WordPress SEO.

Stale Cornerstone Content Tool

Stale or outdated content can detrimentally affect your website’s reputation and search engine ranking. Yoast Premium offers a stale cornerstone content tool that helps users identify and update outdated content. This tool is particularly useful for websites that have extensive and diverse content.

It ensures that critical content remains fresh, relevant, and properly interlinked, thus contributing to better SEO and a more engaging user experience.

Content Insights Tool

Screenshot of Yoast insights tool

In the realm of SEO, content reigns supreme, and comprehending your content is critical for effective SEO optimisation. Yoast Premium’s content insights tool enhances SEO-oriented writing by:

  • Highlighting the most used words and phrases on a page
  • Encouraging content alignment with targeted keywords
  • Enabling more effective keyword strategy
  • Improving SEO

By using the content insights tool, you can gain deeper understanding of your content and how it can be optimised for better search engine performance.

Multiple Focus Keywords

Multiple focus keyphrase Yoast SEO Premium tool

Key optimisation constitutes a fundamental component of SEO strategy. Yoast Premium offers a multiple focus keywords feature that allows content to be optimised for up to 3 focus keywords per post.

This enhances content targeting capabilities, potentially attracting a broader range of search queries. However, it’s important to note that there are limitations in using this feature for multiple focus keywords, as it may not accurately reflect secondary keyword optimisation due to its focus on exact match over partial match scenarios.

Nonetheless, this feature offers a significant advantage for keyword optimisation, overcoming some of the restrictions posed by the free version.

Focus Keyword Export

The focus keyword export feature, a part of Yoast SEO Premium, simplifies the exportation of focus keywords. This feature allows users to export a list of all the focus keywords they have used, along with the corresponding URLs. This can be particularly useful for users managing a large website or for SEO professionals working on multiple client websites.

With this feature, you can easily keep track of your keyword strategy and ensure consistency across your site.

Free Access To The Yoast Academy

Complimentary access to the Yoast SEO Academy is one of the distinctive perks of Yoast SEO Premium. This online platform offers comprehensive SEO training that can augment your expertise and assist in navigating the plugin’s features.

The courses cover a range of topics, from the basics of SEO to advanced techniques. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced SEO professional, the Yoast SEO Academy can provide valuable insights and knowledge to boost your SEO skills.

Free Access To 24/7 Support

In the realm of SEO, expert support can significantly enhance your experience. Yoast SEO Premium users benefit from dedicated support through a premium forum and one-on-one help from Yoast experts, enhancing ease of use. While user opinions on Yoast’s premium support are mixed, many users find the support to refer them only to tutorials rather than providing personalised help.

Nevertheless, having access to 24/7 support is a valuable feature, especially for those new to SEO or facing complex SEO challenges.

Ad-free Experience

An ad-free experience is universally appreciated, isn’t it? One of the minor, but appreciated benefits of Yoast SEO Premium is the ad-free experience it offers. Unlike the free version of the plugin, Yoast Premium is free of all ads. This means you can focus entirely on your SEO tasks without any interruptions or distractions.

While this might not be a major deciding factor for everyone, it contributes to the overall user experience and ease of use of the plugin.

Comparing Yoast Free & Premium Versions

Comparison between Yoast Free and Premium versions

Though Yoast SEO Free and Premium both provide an assortment of tools to assist in website optimisation for search engines, each version carries its distinct features and capabilities. The free version of Yoast SEO provides basic tools for setting up SEO fundamentals like manually adjusting the page titles, meta descriptions, and canonical URLs for each page or post on a website.

On the other hand, Yoast Premium offers enhanced functionality over the free version, including the ability to use up to 3 focus keywords per post and image optimisation features that can improve web loading times. Regular updates like Yoast SEO 20.13 have focused on boosting performance and compatibility, streamlining the SEO workflow for users.

The Yoast SEO free version is a solid starting point for beginners due to its comprehensive yet accessible optimisation features. It is particularly useful for those who are just starting to familiarise themselves with SEO and want to set up the basics for their website.

However, for those who need more advanced features and tools, Yoast SEO Premium might be the better choice. It offers a more comprehensive SEO toolkit, with features that can drastically enhance the optimisation process and streamline the SEO workflow.

Now, let’s delve into a more detailed comparison between the two. We’ll look at the core SEO tools available in both versions, the exclusive enhancements in the premium version, and the unique features that make Yoast Premium stand out.

For a brief overview, we present a comparison table that illustrates the key features of Yoast SEO Free and Premium. This table provides an at-a-glance understanding of the differences between the two versions, highlighting the exclusive features available with Yoast SEO Premium.

From advanced redirection to multiple focus keyword support, the premium version offers a slew of features that go beyond the basics of SEO.



Features Yoast Free Yoast Premium
Multiple focus keywords No Yes
Social snippet previews No Yes
Readability check Yes Yes
Breadcrumbs Yes Yes
Canonical URLs Yes Yes
Robots.txt Yes Yes
.Htaccess files Yes Yes
Sitemaps Yes Yes
Plugin updates Yes Yes
Internal link suggestions No Yes
Content analysis No Yes
Redirect manager No Yes
Export focus keywords No Yes
1-year support No Yes
Ad-free No Yes
Price Free $99


Core SEO Tools Available In Both

Both Yoast SEO versions encompass core SEO tools, which are vital for any website. These include:

  • Features to assist in creating XML sitemaps, which help search engine crawlers to index the content of a website efficiently
  • Readability check, which helps ensure content is understandable and engaging for the reader
  • Snippet Editor, which allows for the customisation of SEO titles and meta descriptions

Both versions also offer canonical URL settings to help search engines identify the correct version of a page, aiding in the prevention of duplicate content issues. Lastly, both versions of Yoast SEO include breadcrumbs functionality, helping users navigate a website’s structure and improving SEO by aiding search engines in understanding website hierarchy.

Premium-Only Enhancements

Yoast SEO Premium stands out from its free counterpart through its exclusive enhancements. These include social media previews, enabling users to visualise how their posts will look on Facebook and Twitter. This advanced social media integration not only automates content sharing but also optimises posts’ appearance across social platforms, facilitating correct image sizing and formatting.

Another significant enhancement is Content Insights, which enhance SEO-oriented writing by highlighting the most used words and phrases on a page, encouraging content alignment with targeted keywords. These premium-only enhancements contribute significantly to improving user engagement on social media and refining keyword strategy for better SEO.

Real-World Impact: Yoast Premium On Your WordPress Site

WordPress site with improved search rankings

Looking past the features and tools, what implications does Yoast SEO Premium hold for your WordPress site? In the real world, Yoast Premium can streamline SEO workflows and potentially lead to improved search rankings and website performance.

With its exclusive features and tools, Yoast Premium provides a more comprehensive SEO toolkit, equipping users with the resources they need to optimise their website effectively.

One key benefit is the generative AI-powered feature for optimising SEO titles and meta descriptions, which provides multiple SEO title and meta description options based on page content analysis, enabling users to select or customise entries for better search results representation.

Yoast Premium also significantly influences SEO workflow. The plugin’s advanced tools enable quick and efficient optimisations, which can be crucial for users looking to save time on their SEO tasks. Some of the key features of Yoast Premium include:

  • Content insights: This functionality provides valuable insights into the readability and SEO-friendliness of your content, helping you improve on-page SEO.
  • Focus keyword: Yoast Premium allows you to set a focus keyword for each page or post, and provides real-time feedback on how well you’ve optimised your content for that keyword.
  • Integrations with Google Analytics and Search Console: These integrations allow you to access detailed insights into your search performance directly from the WordPress dashboard.

These integrations, combined with Yoast Premium’s advanced features, provide users with a comprehensive SEO toolkit, streamlining strategies across platforms.

Furthermore, Yoast SEO Premium includes a feature that saves time on various SEO tasks, including easier site maintenance through the redirect manager and improving site structure through internal linking suggestions.

These features help ensure that your content is perpetually optimised for search engines, aiding in long-term SEO viability. In addition to these, automated SEO audits in Yoast Premium allow for consistent checks on SEO health, ensuring that SEO strategies evolve alongside changing search engine algorithms. These represent some of the tangible ways that Yoast SEO Premium can impact your WordPress site, offering potential SEO performance gains and streamlining your SEO workflow.

Streamlining SEO Workflow

Yoast SEO Premium offers several features that can save time on various SEO tasks, including site maintenance and content optimisation.

For instance, its updated sidebar and intuitive feature settings pages streamline the SEO process, enhanced by regular updates that aim for greater efficiency in SEO efforts. The plugin’s advanced tools enable quick and efficient optimisations, which can be crucial for users looking to save time on their SEO tasks.

For instance, the content insights tool in Yoast Premium enhances SEO-oriented writing by highlighting the most used words and phrases on a page, encouraging content alignment with targeted keywords. By using these and other features, you can streamline your SEO workflow and ensure that your site is always optimised for the best possible performance.

Potential SEO Performance Gains

Yoast SEO Premium offers features that can potentially lead to better on-page SEO and improved search rankings. The additional content insights and focus keyword functionality in Yoast Premium can lead to better on-page SEO, potentially resulting in improved search rankings.

The plugin’s ability to optimise for synonyms and related keywords allows for more comprehensive content strategies, which might contribute to SEO performance gains.

Moreover, Yoast Premium offers the following features and benefits:

  • Integration with other platforms like Google Analytics and Search Console, allowing users to track and improve their website’s performance
  • Improvements in how content appears on search engines and social media
  • Internal linking suggestions
  • The orphaned content tool, which helps identify and fix content that is not linked to from other pages on the website

These features can contribute to sustained SEO efforts and long-term website growth.

The Investment Perspective: Is Yoast Premium Cost-Effective?

Cost-effectiveness of Yoast Premium

When contemplating an upgrade to Yoast SEO Premium, a key factor to weigh is if the cost justifies the value it delivers, or in other words, if Yoast Premium worth the investment. Yoast Premium is a subscription-based service that costs $99 for one year.

However, the cost-effectiveness of Yoast Premium is subjective and depends largely on the user’s specific needs and the value derived from its advanced features.

Some users and reviewers have found Yoast SEO Premium not worth the annual fee as the premium features, such as the multiple focus keywords feature and the redirect manager, may not directly enhance SEO. However, it’s important to remember that the value of a tool is not merely in its price tag but also in how effectively it can help you achieve your goals.

On the other hand, the additional features and tools that come with Yoast SEO Premium can provide significant advantages for those who need more than the basics. These include the ability to optimise for multiple focus keywords, advanced redirect management, and content insights.

These features can contribute to more effective SEO strategies and result in improvements in website performance and search rankings. For users who can effectively leverage these features, the cost of Yoast SEO Premium could be a worthwhile investment.

Let’s now explore a more in-depth breakdown of Yoast Premium’s pricing and consider its long-term value.

Yoast Premium Pricing Breakdown

Yoast SEO Premium costs $99 per year excluding VAT, £99 in the UK, €99 in the EU. This price includes access to all premium features, one year of updates and support, and access to all Yoast SEO Academy courses, with the subscription lasting for one year. For users with multiple websites, Yoast also provides money-saving bundles of plugins tailored to different site needs.

Moreover, the subscription for Yoast SEO Premium includes the following features:

  • Advanced keyword optimisation
  • Internal linking suggestions
  • Content insights
  • Redirect manager
  • Social previews
  • Premium support

The subscription is an annual fee, and users will need to renew their subscription every year to keep the premium features active. This pricing model allows for flexibility and ensures that users only pay for the features they need.

Long-Term Value Consideration

Beyond the initial cost, it’s also important to consider the long-term value of Yoast SEO Premium. Here are some reasons why Yoast Premium is worth it:

  • Yoast Premium’s content analysis and optimisation tools help ensure content is perpetually optimised for search engines, aiding in long-term SEO viability.
  • Automated SEO audits in Yoast Premium allow for consistent checks on SEO health, ensuring that SEO strategies evolve alongside changing search engine algorithms.
  • Yoast Premium supports up to 3 focus keywords per post and the focus keyword export feature, aiding in developing a robust, long-term keyword strategy that enhances site visibility.

SEO and readability analyses by Yoast Premium help in producing content that complies with current SEO best practices, contributing to sustained search engine rankings. These factors contribute to the long-term value of Yoast SEO Premium, making it a potentially worthwhile investment for sustained SEO efforts.

User Experiences & Community Feedback

User experiences and community feedback can offer valuable insights when assessing the value of a product or tool. Many users consider the transition to Yoast Premium beneficial primarily for the access to premium support, which provides more detailed and dedicated assistance.

However, user opinions on Yoast’s premium support are mixed, with some users finding the support to refer them only to tutorials rather than providing personalised help.

The ad-free experience in Yoast Premium is a minor benefit for those who are not particularly disturbed by the ads in the free version. Ultimately, the user experiences with Yoast Premium vary widely, and the tool’s value can depend heavily on the specific needs and expectations of the user.

Alternatives To Yoast SEO Premium

Comparison of SEO plugins for WordPress

Though Yoast SEO Premium provides a substantial set of features, it isn’t the sole SEO plugin available. There are numerous alternatives to Yoast SEO Premium, including:

  • Squirrly SEO
  • The SEO Framework
  • Rank Math
  • SEOPress
  • All In One SEO

These alternatives offer various features that could serve as replacements or complements to the functionalities in Yoast Premium. Free alternatives to Yoast SEO Premium include SEO plugins such as Squirrly SEO, The SEO Framework, and SEOPress.

These plugins offer various features that could serve as replacements or complements to the functionalities in Yoast Premium. However, these free plugins generally lack automation, leading to increased manual effort and time investment for optimising websites.

They often do not include live customer support, posing a challenge for users needing help with site optimisation. Despite these limitations, free alternatives can still provide valuable SEO tools and functionalities that can help users optimise their websites effectively.

On the other hand, paid competitors to Yoast SEO Premium like Rank Math and SEOPress offer different feature sets and pricing options. For instance, Squirrly SEO offers AI-powered SEO suggestions with a premium plan starting at $29.99/month. Rank Math’s advanced premium options are available starting at $5.75/month and include:

  • SEO auditing
  • local SEO
  • advanced schema markup
  • redirection manager
  • 404 monitor
  • WooCommerce SEO

The effectiveness of these alternatives as a substitute for Yoast SEO Premium can vary based on the specific needs and context of a website.

For instance, All In One SEO Pack offers features like XML and RSS Sitemap support, Image SEO, Schema markup, and advanced canonical URLs. WP Meta SEO comes with bulk editing capabilities for image file names, SEO titles, and metadata, and includes a broken link checker in its free version.

However, while these free plugins offer certain utilities, they generally lack automation, leading to increased manual effort and time investment for optimising websites. Moreover, they often do not include live customer support, posing a challenge for users needing help with site optimisation.

Paid Competitors & Feature Comparison

Paid competitors to Yoast SEO Premium include:

  • Squirrly SEO: offers AI-powered SEO suggestions with a premium plan starting at $29.99/month
  • SmartCrawl: distinguishes itself with a feature that automatically prompts Google to re-crawl sites when updates occur
  • Rank Math

Rank Math, on the other hand, offers a broad free feature set and premium plans starting at $79/year for multiple sites. Depending on the specific needs of your website, these paid competitors may provide a viable alternative to Yoast SEO Premium.

Expert Insights: SEO Professionals Weigh In

What are the opinions of SEO professionals regarding Yoast SEO Premium? Experts highlight that while Yoast Premium is not strictly necessary for effective SEO management, it can add convenience and save time for those who have less experience with SEO.

Content optimisation features such as multiple keyword optimisation and content insights are seen as a significant benefit by experts, particularly for large sites where keyword cannibalisation can be a problem.

Integration of Yoast Premium with tools like Google Search Console, Bing Webmaster Tools, and social media is recognised as offering a more cohesive optimisation experience, streamlining strategies across platforms.

Maximising Yoast Free: Tips & Tricks

Several strategies can maximise the features of Yoast SEO Free for optimal SEO results. You should set page titles and meta descriptions for each post to inform search engine crawlers and improve user understanding of the content. Adjust SEO titles and meta descriptions with the Google preview feature in Yoast SEO to enhance the likelihood of your content’s metadata being displayed in search results.

Select focus keywords that align with your target audience’s vocabulary, and add them at the start of your content creation to maintain topic focus and receive optimisation feedback from Yoast SEO. Regularly revisit your keyword research to adapt to market and product changes, employing the use of long-tail keywords for improved search rankings.

Use the SEO analysis tool in Yoast SEO Free to assess how well your content utilises your focus keyphrase throughout various elements like titles, images, and subheadings. Take into account the readability analysis in Yoast SEO Free, targeting a green light to ensure content accessibility and user-friendliness.

Finally, optimise images with relevant keyphrases to make content more visually appealing and SEO-friendly.

Transitioning To Yoast Premium: What To Expect

If you opt to upgrade to Yoast SEO Premium, you may be curious about what lies ahead. Firstly, you should start off with the first-time configuration wizard to set up the plugin based on the specific needs of your website. During setup, ensure that you fill out information about your website’s representation of an individual or an organisation, which can enhance your visibility in Google’s Knowledge Graph.

Users should expect a learning curve when upgrading to Yoast SEO Premium due to the introduction of additional features and tools not found in the free version. However, Yoast SEO Premium subscribers gain access to the Yoast SEO academy, offering comprehensive SEO training to augment their expertise and assist in navigating the plugin’s features.


In summary, Yoast SEO Premium offers a suite of advanced features and tools that can enhance your SEO strategy and streamline your workflow. From enhanced keyword optimisation and redirect management to intelligent internal linking and social media previews, Yoast Premium provides a comprehensive toolkit for SEO management. However, whether or not upgrading to Yoast SEO Premium is worth it depends largely on your specific needs and how effectively you can leverage its features for your website’s SEO.

While the free version of Yoast SEO provides a solid foundation for basic SEO tasks, Yoast Premium offers more advanced functionalities that can lead to improved search rankings and website performance. It’s important to weigh the cost, features, and potential SEO gains when considering whether to upgrade to Yoast SEO Premium.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between Yoast premium and Yoast free?

The main difference between Yoast Premium and Yoast Free is that the Premium version allows you to use multiple focus keywords, generator meta titles and descriptions using AI, redirect management and an orphaned content tool enabling you to reach a broader audience.

Do I need both Yoast SEO and Yoast SEO Premium?

If you’re new to SEO, the free version of Yoast is sufficient. However, if you’re seeking to enhance your search engine traffic, Yoast SEO Premium is worth it. You’ll need both plugins to work together.

Is Yoast or All In One SEO better for SEO?

Yoast and All in One SEO are both good plugins, but Yoast SEO wins in terms of ease of use, better user experience, and more control over different features.

Which is the best free SEO plugin for WordPress?

The best free SEO plugin for WordPress depends on your specific website needs, but popular options include Yoast SEO, Rank Math, All in One SEO Pack, SEOPress, and The SEO Framework. Each plugin offers unique features, so consider which aligns best with your goals.

What are some alternatives to Yoast SEO Premium?

You have several alternatives to Yoast SEO Premium, such as free plugins like Squirrly SEO and The SEO Framework, or paid competitors like Rank Math and SEOPress, each offering unique features that can substitute or enhance your SEO strategy.