Facebook Instant Articles

When you’re a publisher of quality content, where do you publish? Where the audience is. With some 1.6 billion monthly active users, Facebook is home to the biggest audience on the planet – which is why the social media giant caused such a stir when it announced the introduction of Facebook Instant Articles in 2015.

Here are five things you need to know about this innovative new publishing tool.

Key Takeaways

  • Publisher Empowerment and Control – Facebook Instant Articles offer publishers unprecedented control over their content and ad revenue, attracting them to the platform. Publishers retain ownership of their content and can keep all ad revenue if they sell ads directly, with only a 30% cut to Facebook for ads sold via its platform. This control incentivises publishers to engage with Instant Articles and capitalise on the platform’s massive audience.
  • Seamless Multimedia Experience – Facebook Instant Articles provide users with a visually captivating and dynamic reading experience, enhancing engagement and retention. With multimedia features such as audio, video, rich photos, and interactive maps, Instant Articles create a “living page” experience, offering users a seamless and vibrant interface to consume content. This focus on multimedia engagement sets Instant Articles apart and contributes to their appeal for both publishers and users alike.

1. Trial Publishers

Facebook initially selected nine leading publishers to take part in a trial of Instant Articles, from the United States and Europe. They are The New York Times, National Geographic, BuzzFeed, NBC News, The Atlantic, The Guardian, BBC News, Spiegel Online and Bild.

Publisher Companies Brand Logos Including New York Times and NBC News

2. Attractive Terms

The publishers were drawn to Facebook Instant Articles not only because they were eager to reach ever-greater numbers of people online but because Facebook put them in control of what they were doing. That means they keep all their ad revenue if the ads are sold by them, with 30% going to Facebook if ads are sold via its platform.

Equally importantly, publishers still own the content they publish on Instant Articles, and stand to benefit from higher rankings on the site while users can enjoy generally faster load times for articles, compared to publishers’ own mobile sites.

3. Instant Articles Look Great

Described by an NBC News executive as a “living page”, Facebook Instant Articles offer a seamless, vibrant and dynamic experience for users, with an array of multimedia features to manipulate the various media types, from text to audio, video, rich photos and interactive maps.

4. Built For Mobile

Facebook designed Instant Articles as a mobile experience, giving readers an enhanced experience when viewing them using smartphones and tablet computers.

5. Available For All

Now that the trial period with the big nine publishers – since expanded to 18 – is coming to an end, Facebook is making Instant Articles available to all publishers around the world, no matter how big or small, starting from April 12, 2016.

Video Explained: Facebook Instant Articles Product Video

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Facebook Instant Articles still available?

Yes, Facebook Instant Articles are still available as a feature for publishers to enhance content delivery on the platform. Despite some fluctuations in usage and changes in Facebook’s algorithm, Instant Articles remain a valuable tool for publishers looking to optimise content for faster loading times and improved user experience within the Facebook app.

What are Instant Articles on FaceBook?

Facebook Instant Articles are a feature that allows publishers to create and share interactive, fast-loading articles directly within the Facebook app. These articles are optimised for mobile devices and load almost instantly when users click on them, offering a seamless reading experience without redirects to external websites. Instant Articles support multimedia content such as images, videos, and interactive elements, providing a rich and engaging reading experience for users.

How do I enable Instant Articles on Facebook?

To enable Instant Articles on Facebook, publishers need to follow a few steps:Sign in to Facebook and navigate to the Publishing Tools section of your Facebook Page.
Click on Instant Articles in the left-hand menu.
Follow the prompts to begin setting up Instant Articles for your Page.
Configure your settings, including setting up your RSS feed and branding elements.
Submit your articles for review to ensure they meet Instant Articles guidelines.
Once approved, your Instant Articles will be available for publication on Facebook.

How much do Instant Articles make on Facebook?

The earnings from Facebook Instant Articles can vary depending on factors such as audience size, engagement levels, ad revenue, and monetisation strategies implemented by the publisher. Publishers typically earn revenue through ads displayed within Instant Articles, with Facebook offering various ad formats, including Audience Network ads and branded content. However, specific earnings can vary widely, and it’s essential for publishers to experiment with different monetisation methods and optimise their content to maximise revenue potential from Instant Articles.