
The home page of your website is the virtual reception for your business, it’s the strongest page in terms of SEO and responsible for drawing in and directing most of your website traffic. Like your receptionist, your website needs to wear lots of hats. It is important to build your site with this in mind, incorporating elements to attract, educate and invite conversions.

Key Takeaways

  • Effective Headlines and Sub-headings: Capture visitors’ attention within the first five seconds with a simple, targeted headline, followed by a brief sub-heading that clearly explains your product or service.
  • Strategic Call-to-Actions (CTAs): Position 2-3 prominent CTAs above the scroll line, using contrasting colors and action-oriented text like “Try for Free” or “Request a Quote.” Ensure CTA buttons are large enough for mobile users.
  • Engaging Visuals and Testimonials: Use images or videos that evoke action or emotion to showcase your product. Include testimonials to build trust and highlight the benefits of your product or service from a customer’s perspective.

For A Successful Homepage Here Are 9 Call-to-action Tips To Follow

1. Headline

You have less than five seconds to tell visitors what you have to offer. This makes your headline crucial to draw people in. You can’t reach everyone with so few words – think of the type of visitor most likely to buy your product or avail of your service and direct the headline at them. Most importantly – keep it simple!

2. Sub-heading

The content of your sub-heading should support the headline with a brief description of what your product or service is, and how you can help the visitor.

3. Call To Action

Remember the aim of the homepage is to encourage visitors to delve further into your website. The positioning of 2 or 3 calls-to-action before you scroll down, directing people to other areas of the site, at different stages of the buying cycle will do just that! Use a contrasting colour to make them stand out and ‘action orientated’ text like – Try for Free – Book a Consultation – Request a Quote. Think about mobile phone users – make the CTA buttons big enough to touch with the finger. Check out the Hubspot homepage for example where they have a number of call-to-action buttons in place.

4. Images

Most people respond to images or videos. Make sure to use images that convey action or emotion and clearly identify your product or service.

5. Benefits

Explain the benefits of your product to the visitor with interesting, easy to read content; not just what you offer but why and how it benefits the customer.

6. What People Say

If you can, add a few testimonials to your home page, people like to hear the benefits and trustworthiness of a product from other people before they choose to buy.

7. Visible Menu Bar

Good navigation of your website from the home page is critical. A visible menu bar, across the top of the page, that is clear and simple to use will encourage visitors to stick around.

8. More Calls To Action

You have already targeted visitors most likely to convert to customers above the scroll line – below the line consider placing some secondary calls-to-action, they can encourage visitors who have scrolled this far to click on further.

Learn Now Call-to-action Button

9. Finally

Don’t forget to make sure your website is mobile friendly! Google does favour this… and your visitors really appreciate it!

Castlerock Homes mobile friendly website

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the headline on the homepage so crucial for website success?

The headline is vital because it has a few seconds to capture visitors’ attention and communicate what your website offers. It serves as the first impression, targeting the type of visitor most likely to engage with your product or service. Keeping it simple yet impactful is key for effective communication.

How can I create compelling calls-to-action (CTAs) on my homepage?

Position 2 or 3 CTAs strategically before scrolling down, guiding visitors to explore different sections of your site at various stages of the buying cycle. Use contrasting colors and action-oriented text like “Try for Free” or “Request a Quote.” Ensure CTA buttons are touch-friendly for mobile users.

Why are testimonials important on a homepage and how do they build trust?

Testimonials add credibility and trustworthiness to your product or service. People tend to trust the experiences of others. By featuring positive testimonials on your homepage, potential customers can gain insights into the benefits and reliability of your offerings before making a decision.

Why is a visible menu bar crucial for the success of a homepage?

A visible menu bar ensures good navigation, allowing visitors to easily explore your website from the homepage. A clear and simple menu across the top of the page encourages users to stay longer. Effective navigation is critical for a positive user experience and can influence the success of your website.